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Our company has always taken seriously its duty to the environment, and to the people who play a role in making our clothing. From the beginning, Margaret Howell's concept has been to make good quality clothes that last.

Starting as a very small enterprise we were acutely aware of the need to control costs and avoid waste. As we have grown over the years we have maintained a small company ethos which means that each of our staff owns responsibility for our viability. We are all aware that sustainability is not solely a company issue, but a global one.

Any business that manufactures has an impact on the environment but we try to reduce ours by limiting production to runs of carefully-designed and chosen items. This minimises over-ordering and its consequent waste.

We make a point of supporting traditional crafts and local industries, building long-term partnerships with trusted independent suppliers whom we know share our values. Having more than 98% of our suppliers based in Europe means we are able to visit them regularly to ensure not only the highest standards of make but also that our Supplier Code of Conduct is adhered to. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the minimum ethical and environmental standards we require from our partners, including safe and hygienic working conditions, non-excessive working hours and ensuring Living Wages are paid. It also outlines the high standards our suppliers can expect of us.

As members of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), we are committed to responsible business practices and to identifying, preventing, and remediating the human impact involved in running our business. Our Supplier Code of Conduct includes all aspects of the ETI Base Code, and is also informed by the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We have set clear targets on carbon and are committed to a 50% reduction in Scope 1&2 emissions, and a 40% reduction in Scope 3 emissions by 2030. We are also committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions before 2050. Margaret Howell shops and premises use 100% zero carbon energy, and we are exploring options to reduce the carbon impact of our raw materials and supply chain.

Our priority is the continued use of natural raw materials. We are a member of the Better Cotton Initiative, and are working closely with our suppliers to increase the amount of preferred fibres, such as organic and recycled yarns, in our collections. Tracking all our raw materials provides us with clear information to identify areas we can improve on.

We have an extensive recycling policy throughout our company and are committed to diverting all operational waste from landfill. Our customer packaging is FSC accredited and recyclable.

Our annual Sustainability Report outlines progress against our commitments, the challenges we face and our next steps.






If you would like to know more about our working practices and commitment to sustainability, please contact us at